Orange Pound Cake

Orange Pound Cake


3 c. flour
½ t. baking powder
½ t. baking soda
1 t. salt
¼ c. fresh orange juice
¾ buttermilk
1 t. Casa Bella Vida Vanilla
2 sticks butter
2 c. sugar
5 large eggs
1/3 c. orange zest (about 6 oranges)
Orange Syrup
½ c. sugar
½ c. fresh orange juice
2 c. powdered sugar
2-4 T. fresh orange juice

Line the bottom of 2 8 ½ x 4 ½ “loaf pans then grease well.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium bowl whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

In another bowl mix orange juice, buttermilk, and vanilla.

In a stand mixer cream sugar and butter for 5 minutes on medium speed.  Add eggs one at a time until incorporated, scraping sides of bowl during the process.  Add orange zest. Add flour and buttermilk mixture alternating beginning with the flour and finishing with flour.  Evenly divide into the two loaf pans.  Bake for 45-60 minutes until a skewer comes out clean from the loaves.

While the cakes are baking add orange juice and sugar to a pan.  Heat until sugar is dissolved.  When cakes come out of oven, spoon the syrup over, allowing it to soak into the cake.

Once cakes are cooled top with glaze.

 *This cake is amazing!  I made it with citrus from Arizona.  Also amazing with Casa Bella Vida fresh whipped cream